Discover the sacred wisdom and healing properties of crystals. One of Mother Earth's many gifts, these ancient record keepers have much to teach us! Learn how working with crystals can help enhance your life and well-being.
Things we will explore in this workshop:
-What is a crystal? Are they really just rocks?
-Learn about crystals and their various healing properties
-How to pick the right crystal for you
-Crystal placement and its significance
-How to clear, cleanse and charge your crystals
-Improving physical and emotional well-being using crystals
-Balancing the energy body and chakras using crystals
-Crystallizing your intentions by working with crystals.
Bolsters and blankets are supplied by the studio for your comfort. Feel free to bring your yoga mat, a journal to note any insights and of course, your lovely self.
Facilitator: Nicole Lakebrink
Cost: $38.00
**Please note that it is important to hydrate before and after receiving energy healing to assist in the flow of energy.
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