Learning about trauma and the biological, physiological, psycho-emotional, and social impact it plays is every bit as important as learning about anatomy for a yoga teacher. Like anatomy, understanding trauma gives the yoga teacher a better understanding of what is going on underneath the skin.
This three-hour introduction to trauma is specifically geared toward yoga teachers and teachers in training. Attendees will learn the definition of trauma, the impact trauma has on the body and mind, and practical application of this knowledge to create a trauma-aware environment on the mat.
When: Sunday, 12/2/2018 - 1:00pm-4:30pm
Where: Joy of Yoga
Who: This particular workshop is especially geared toward yoga teachers and teachers-in-training, but open to dedicated students interested in learning more.
What to Expect:
75 minute of lecture
Small group work and discussion
30-45 minute asana practice with applied trauma-informed principles
Q&A and closing
Facilitator: This workshop will be led by members of the Yoga Buzz Trauma-Informed Yoga Committee. Read more about our initiatives here.
Cost: Donation-based (cash, check, and credit card accepted on-site). No one turned away due to lack of funds.
Register: Space is limited to 40. Please register directly through Yoga Buzz here