Learn to soften the deepest layers of tension and stress from your body, heart, and mind. During this workshop we will combine gentle movement and deep stretches with massage therapy ball techniques. Our focus is to release the fascial layer, part of the soft connective tissue system where much of our pain and tension lie. Massage Therapy Balls get into tight spots the way nothing else can.
They help you:
Access hard to reach tightness
Ease tension and pain
Stimulate circulation
Soften scar tissue
Release trigger points
Work into soft connective tissue
Improve breath capacity
Enhance movement, performance, and recovery
Stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system (the deep healing mode of your body)
By releasing this layer of the body you can invite a sense of deep relaxation to restore and rebalance every system in your body.
* Please note the balls are not recommended for bruised skin or broken bones. If you have osteoporosis, please check with your doctor before attending this or any new body wellness program.
No experience necessary. All levels are welcome, and yoga therapy balls will be provided for the duration of class.
Facilitator: Glenna Bedoya
Cost: $25.00