"Imagine living, speaking and acting from a kinder and friendlier place in your heart. Loving-kindness is Pali word which mean metta (in Sanskrit maitri) has the same root as friend. The more you can feel genuine self-appreciation and self-love, the more you can share that same feeling of goodness with everyone else in your life.
These 60- minute sessions, are rooted in gratitude and positivity, and focus on sending goodwill to ourselves and the world around us. Without a nurtured ability to practice healthy self-love, we cannot be fully present to love anyone or anything else. In the Vipassana School (where this practice originated), it is known as Metta Bhavana Meditation. You can read more here.
Classes will include time for meditation with instructions, a brief talk and reflections/Q&A.
This class is designed to deepen your practice within a supportive community. All are welcome."
Facilitator: Shedeka Marriott
Location: Main Studio & Online
Cost: $15 In Studio Drop In, $10 Online Drop In, All Class Cards, Unlimited, Monthly
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