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From Overwhelm into Connection with Yoga & Ayurveda

Overwhelm can't live in a place of connection. When we feel overwhelmed we feel separate and have a harder time adapting. Shifts in diet, activities, and sleep patterns take a toll on our bodies. These feelings are likely compounded by the rapid shifts in our world. The constant hype and pressure of changing seasons can cause toxins to build in our tissues. This weakens our immune system leaving many of us feeling tired, overwhelmed and stressed.

Known as the "sister science" of yoga, Ayurveda is the world's oldest holistic healing system. Its intelligence is in its simplicity. Ayurveda teaches us that like increases like and that opposites balance. Each season ushers in a unique set of qualities that can either pacify or aggravate the inner workings of your being.

This workshop will help you shift from overwhelm into connection. You will be introduced to Ayurveda and its basic principles. We will focus on the characteristics of vata (fall/winter) season and its tendency to disconnect us from our mind, body and heart. This discussion will include simple practices to create calm and connection for better health and immunity.

Come prepared with pen and paper. Class will begin with an introduction, we will then practice gentle yoga for aprox. 45m and end with simple ways to adapt habits of connection in your daily life. 

Facilitator: Glenna Bedoya

Cost: $15 In Studio & Online Drop In

Location: Main Studio & Online


Can't make it? Sign up to receive the ZOOM recording with 72hr access.

Earlier Event: December 5
FREE Community Class with Abigail
Later Event: December 6
FREE Yoga Basics