How heavy is your head? According to Kapandji in the Physiology of Joints (vol. 3), “For every inch of Forward Head Posture, it can increase the weight of the head on the spine by an additional 10 pounds.”
Let's face it: we've all been sitting more often and for longer periods of time since the pandemic began. Whether due to poor sitting posture or lack of ergonomic support, our core muscles turn off, and we freeze in uncomfortable positions like forward head posture. Even when standing and walking, we don't necessarily remedy our sitting compression, contributing to a slouch that can inhibit deep breath, lock up our mobility, and lead to malaise and lack of energy.
In our time together, you'll learn about the interconnectivity of posture, the nervous system, and overall wellbeing. We'll practice finding a naturally tall spine, learn new muscle memory to stay upright throughout the day, move gently, deepen the breath, and invite more mindfulness around the posture. Gain freedom in the neck, back, and breath, and give your spine some much-needed TLC.
Facilitator: Alicia Delaney
Location: Main Studio & Online (Follow the link below to receive the ZOOM password)
Cost: $15 In Studio Drop In, $10 Online Drop In, All Class Cards, Unlimited, Monthly